Most Needed Jobs in Northwest Arkansas

One of the things people always ask me is if their profession is needed in Northwest Arkansas because they’d love to move here. The industry here is growing rapidly every day, and because of that, more and more jobs need to be filled. So, what are the most needed jobs in Northwest Arkansas?

The most needed jobs in Northwest Arkansas have to do with health and tech, which are the two fields NWA plans to lead research and development in. Therefore, new facilities and subdivisions are being built for that goal. Jobs like skilled labor, engineering, and architecture are also needed. 

Today, I’ll write about the most sought-after and needed jobs in Northwest Arkansas in greater detail. Also, I’ll mention exactly why these jobs are needed here and why you should definitely consider moving to NWA.  


1. Skilled Labor

The first thing on our list is skilled labor, and it’s probably the most needed job here by far. So if you’re an electrician, a builder, a roofer, or a framer – when it comes to building things, you are needed in Northwest Arkansas. Please come! 

What’s funny is whenever I make a video on my YouTube channel, there are comments like, “Hey, is there a lot of skilled labor needed in Northwest Arkansas?” and the answer is yes!

I’m not saying there are subdivisions being built everywhere all the time. Still, there are so many different subdivisions, and thousands of permits are being issued basically every six months or every year in cities all across Northwest Arkansas.

We are building very quickly here in Northwest Arkansas, both in the horizontal direction with many single-family homes but also in the vertical direction. So, a lot of multifamily plexes, like 16-plexes and 18-plexes

We’re building crazy down here. On top of that, there’s a brand new thing in Bentonville, Arkansas, called the Ledger, which will be done in October of 2022.

The Ledger is essentially a co-working space, but there are restaurants and all sorts of different things, but the cool thing is that it’s the world’s first fully bikeable building. So, you’ll be able to ride your bike through the entire building (and we’re talking a four to six-storey building).

It’s really cool because it’s really been fantastic to see the progress and how many different skilled workers are needed to build this brand-new space. It’s just awesome, and I can’t wait for it to be done. 

Moving to Northwest Arkansas, Bentonville or Fayetteville? What I Did First. Here’s how to do it!

2. Health

All right, number two is health. So, I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but there’s a little company around here called Walmart. Well, Walmart is just starting to get into in-home care across the US.

There are a couple of different facilities right here in Northwest Arkansas, but the interesting thing is that Walmart is investing heavily in health all across America.

So I’m really excited about Walmart’s in-home care because they need more health experts in the area to help guide them in this process.

There are all sorts of different people that are needed in the health sphere, like nurses, or even childcare providers, because we have a fantastic children’s hospital here. So if you are in the health field whatsoever, Northern Arkansas needs you without a doubt! Many people came into the area, and there are new hospitals being planned, so we need health experts. 

A little bit of a side note, Alice Walton, who’s the heir of the Walton foundation, is building a brand new medical facility that will, in theory, revolutionize the entire health industry.

The facility will, basically, rework and rethink how we do healthcare in the US. So they’re asking all sorts of new people to come to the area and just start investing in this brand new way of providing healthcare that they’re going to experiment with here in Northwest Arkansas. So I’m really excited about that.

Also, I have a 3-day itinerary that can help you decide what activities to do if you’re overwhelmed by everything Northwest Arkansas has to offer.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a foodie, a sports person, a sightseer, or want to spend quality time with your kids; I have something for you. Check out the link below to learn more:

Best Coffee Shop in World? Obviously in Northwest Arkansas

3. Tech

If you’re in any sort of tech sphere whatsoever – data space management, Javascript, any sort of artificial intelligence, and everything related to tech, we have almost a thousand tech jobs that need to be filled in Northwest Arkansas. 

The demand for tech jobs is growing in established companies and startups, and in NWA, these include:

  • Walmart
  • J.B. Hunt
  • Tyson
  • AcreTrader
  • Canoo

So, say, for instance, you want to escape different parts of America that are tech-heavy, and the housing’s out of control over there (I’m looking at you, San Francisco). 

If you’re thinking about getting into a much better environment where you can get ahead in life, own a home, raise a family, and enjoy your life rather than being in the hustle and bustle of San Fran (or other major cities) – you need to check out Bentonville and Fayetteville, Arkansas.

These are places that are just tech hubs. There are all sorts of new money coming from San Fran, Austin, Chicago, and other places in the US. They’re bringing their venture capitalist money because they see there are so many amazing things happening in Bentonville and Fayetteville, Arkansas, and all over NWA.

Check out my other article about new technology startups that either originate from Northwest Arkansas or are moving here. From a possible new Tesla competitor to the first metaverse Walmart, this list has everything.

Perfect Weekend in Bentonville, Arkansas – Read more here

4. Mobility

The fourth job sphere NWA is looking for is anything that has to do with mobility. So whether you’re into cars, biking, flying, drones, planes – anything that moves, then you need to come to Northwest Arkansas.

Just a couple of months ago, there was something called the UP.Summit, which was basically dedicated to all things mobility in NWA. And there are just massive plans being developed here in Northwest Arkansas because Walmart, J.B. Hunt, and Tyson are all centrally focused on how to move products, people, and things at a more efficient rate.

With all this brand new technology coming up, whether it’s drones or robots that deliver products to people’s houses, Northwest Arkansas will be the “breeding ground” for some of the biggest businesses. 

Therefore, if you’re in any sort of mobility job whatsoever, definitely check out Northwest Arkansas because we need you. There are all sorts of new things coming down the pipeline that are gonna be fantastic for NWA and also the world in the next couple of months and years, and it’d be great to get in on the ground floor in Northwest Arkansas. 

5. Engineers and Architects

The remaining jobs on our list that are needed here in NWA are architects and engineers

We’re building very interesting, intricate, cool buildings all across Northwest Arkansas. This area isn’t about “any building will do.” We’re adamantly focused on making it look really cool, fun, and enjoyable to look at. At the end of the day, why would you want to live in a city that’s just filled with large blocks of concrete? 

Every building designed in Northwest Arkansas has a unique touch to it, and we need engineers and architects to help us develop these brand-new buildings. 

We need engineers to help us understand all the different transportation road systems. There have been all sorts of new plans about infrastructure announced in the last few weeks around Fayetteville and Bentonville, whether it’s a new pathway or on and off-ramps. 

Brand new roads are being built all the way from our major highway to the major airport and around Fayetteville. So there’s a brand new system being built in there. 

We need so many more engineers, so many more architects, people that can design and understand the traffic and how things are developed and designed – even home or building design. 

Final Thoughts 

If you’re considering moving to Northwest Arkansas and your profession is one of those five things I mentioned here, you should know there’s plenty of space for your job because of the rapid development of NWA in new industries. However, if your job isn’t on the list, don’t worry, come to NWA, and there will always be something for everyone.


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