Northwest Arkansas and Tech: Tesla Competitor? World’s First Bike-able Building? Walmart = MetaMart

My name is Philip Shepard, and I am a real estate agent in Northwest Arkansas. In this blog post, I’ll address a topic near and dear to my heart – technology and its place in Northwest Arkansas. 

Northwest Arkansas and tech go hand in hand, with the world’s very first bike-able building and a number of organizations moving into the metaverse space. One of Tesla’s primary competitors is also moving to Bentonville, moving NWA up in the world of tech. 

I moved to Northwest Arkansas (NWA) from Chicago about a year and a half ago, and so far, I love it. NWA makes it easy to live, work, and play. Read on to learn the place that technology startups and interesting upcoming technology like Web3 occupy in Northwest Arkansas.


Tech in Northwest Arkansas (Bitcoin, Blockchain, Web3, Startups) 

The first thing to know is that NWA is incentivizing people to move into the area by offering them bitcoin and a bike. NWA is offering $10,000 in bitcoin and a bike to people who take up tech jobs and establish tech startups in the area. 

In a previous blog post, I talked about how cities compete to lure tech talent. These include Austin, Portland, and San Francisco. With that much bitcoin and a free bike, NWA has taken the competition to the next level. 

You might be wondering why free bikes are on offer. 

NWA is the mountain-biking capital of the world. If you move to the area to take up a job in the tech space, you will be given a free bike to encourage you to take advantage of the extensive trail network. 

NWA has up to 300 miles (483 km) of trail for hiking, running, and biking. 

Northwest Arkansas has won several awards – Architecture in Northwest Arkansas

Walmart Is Now MetaMart

Walmart, whose company headquarters are in NWA, is preparing to enter the metaverse space. 

A couple of months back, the giant retailer filed a number of patents for innovations in the metaverse and the more expansive virtual reality space. Such technologies are super-futuristic. 

Walmart’s move is an indication that companies in NWA are preparing themselves to take advantage of a huge tech boom in the region. 

Also, I have a 3-day itinerary that can help you decide what activities to do if you’re overwhelmed by everything Northwest Arkansas has to offer.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a foodie, a sports person, a sightseer, or want to spend quality time with your kids; I have something for you. Check out the link below to learn more:

World’s First Bikeable Building

Another fantastic thing to note about technology and NWA is that Bentonville is building the first-ever bikeable building in the world. Bentonville is the northernmost city in NWA. 

The building will be a utopia for tech enthusiasts. It will have a bunch of coworking spaces where you can set up your tech startup. It will also have coffee shops. In short, everything you need for work will be located right in the building. 

As a bonus, it will be bikeable! 

This futuristic building is just one example of how forward-thinking NWA is. Cities in the region are committed to laying a good foundation for the future of work. 

Another example of the futuristic environment that NWA is building is how it’s encouraging people to get to work. NWA makes it convenient to bike, walk, or use scooters to get to work.

Planning to move to NWA? Looking for opportunities? How to Find a Job In Northwest Arkansas?


Tesla Competitor Coming to NWA

NWA will soon have an electric vehicle manufacturer located in the area. Canoo, an electric vehicle manufacturing company that wants to take on the likes of Tesla and Lucid, will be relocating its headquarters to Bentonville

The electric automaker is also establishing a research and design facility in Fayetteville. 

Electric vehicles will be a big part of the future. Having an electric vehicle manufacturer in NWA will create many jobs and continue to put NWA on the map. It will also attract a lot of talent, businesses, and startups. 

If you are interested in checking NWA out and seeing all the awesome things that it has to offer, click on this link to download a 3-day itinerary. The itinerary has different activities for different people, including foodies, sportspeople, and adventurers. It also has activities suited for those who have kids or are into culture and arts. 

Resources for Startups

NWA has ample resources for all kinds of startups, including tech startups. These include: 

  • Coworking spaces 
  • Funding 
  • Grants 
  • Mentorship 
  • Access to accelerator and incubator programs 
  • Research facilities 

Whether your startup is tech or non-tech, NWA has the resources to help you successfully launch your business. 

There Is a Lot of Funding in NWA

One of the most important things to note about NWA is that there is so much funding available for people looking to come and start their businesses in their region. 

You can secure funding and grants from multiple sources, including: 

  • The Walton Foundation 
  • JB Hunt 
  • The University of Arkansas 

These funds and grants are incentives to attract tech startups which will create more jobs in the region. 

If you are in an area where business is complicated and setting up a startup is hard, you should check out NWA because there’s a lot of funding to take advantage of. 

Once you move into NWA, there’s also $10,000 in bitcoin and a free bike waiting for you. 

Get a Degree in Blockchain

Once you move to NWA, you can get a degree in blockchain from the University of Arkansas, which has an entire section dedicated to blockchain. 

If you’re looking to get an education in blockchain technology and all those other up-and-coming Web3 technologies, the University of Arkansas has an entire program for you to go through. You can learn about blockchain, which is still an upcoming technology, with other colleagues and professors. 

In addition to all these advantages, your dollar is likely to go much further when buying land and homes in NWA than in other areas. 


NWA is a great place to move to, especially if you want to establish a startup. 

The region has invested in building an environment suitable for the future of work. If you prefer to walk or bike to work, NWA makes it easy for you to do so with its 300 miles (483 km) of track. 

Additionally, NWA is offering incentives for startups and tech talent to move to NWA. You stand to receive $10,000 in bitcoin and a free bike. 

If you have a startup, there’s a lot of funding to take advantage of in NWA. 


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