Moving to Bentonville

Bentonville has been rightfully attracting families over the years for several reasons. Home rates here are competitive, excellent schools and jobs are available, and the area is always activity-filled despite its usual serenity. Hence, what should you know about the town if you’re also considering a move or a short visit? 

If you’re moving to Bentonville, know that the town is a biking community, so you’ll see bikes and trails everywhere. Moreover, as of 2023, several constructions are ongoing in the area for the next three to five years, and you can expect an even better town in the near future.

I’ll discuss all you should know about moving to Bentonville in this article, so read on for the exclusive info!


Bentonville Is a Biking Community

As you may already know, Bentonville is a truly biking community being the “mountain biking capital” of the world.

If you are around Bentonville Square, you will see bikes everywhere, especially on the weekend, because people use them to get around the whole town.

Whether residents go to the grocery stores, their jobs, to get something from someone, or just out for casual outings, they use the biking pathways.

Hence, it’s the first thing you need to know about Bentonville. There are bike shops and bike repair stores everywhere (even mobile ones). 

It extends to the whole of Northwest Arkansas because trails are ubiquitous. Hence, it’s cool to live here and quickly get anywhere on bikes through pathways, from paved to open ones.

Despite that, they’re expanding the courses at a very breakneck pace, looking to add more and more pathways around the whole area. Therefore, even if you come right now, you can get almost anywhere in NWA on a bike versus other transport means.

Moreover, if biking isn’t your thing, many pathways are dedicated to one-wheels, electric scooters, and other alternative transportation to a car. It is the theme of the whole area.

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Several Constructions Are Ongoing

There are many constructions ongoing in Bentonville at the moment, and here are some of the most significant ones:

  • Ledger
  • Walmart headquarters (about 2-3 years)
  • New hotels
  • New structures for venture capitalists and businesses
  • Roads
  • New parks

Bentonville has a five-year plan to make the area even more awesome than it is within the period. The development has spread across the town, as they’ve refused even to publicize some works.

Hence, Bentonville is becoming like an unknown town. About 5-10 years ago, the infrastructure caught up to itself, and now it’s at the starting line of tremendous growth for the next 10 to 15 years.

People worldwide are seeing this and are flying and driving out here to discover if it is a place they’d want to live.

Know that there will be a lot of construction for the next 3-5 years if you are among such people. However, once it is over, Bentonville will be an even more fantastic place.

Many projects are rounding off currently, but so many more are in the works as we speak for the next two to five years.

Residents Take Community Very Seriously

Another thing you should know about Bentonville before moving here is that we take the community very seriously.

We have all sorts of festivals (including music) and downtown square for Christmas and fall activities. We also have farmer’s markets there on Thursdays and Saturdays markets.

On top of that, we have our first Fridays every single month of the year.

Hence, events happening around the town all week long are one way that Bentonville has done an excellent job of keeping the community together. The city itself, downtown Bentonville or a private business can organize them.

For example, there are always events in Bentonville, NWA, for mountain bikers or hikers. 

We take the community very seriously here because we are tight around this area.

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There Are Many New People Here

People from California, Colorado, Texas, Illinois, and other states come to Bentonville, Arkansas, because they see the town’s potential. They recognize the growth here and want to be part of the community.

For example, I exclusively interviewed a senior couple who moved here from California, and here’s what they had to say in this article.

Therefore, meeting someone on the street who has been here for over ten years is rare.

In the last five years or so, so many people have moved into the area that if you’re new, you’ll feel right at home because others here are transplants from other US states and countries. They’ve moved to the town because of its potential for work, mountain biking potential, and overall growth.

Hence, it’s cool to be in a community with all sorts of new people that want to grow it together.

The Area Is in High Growth Mode

Bentonville and relatively the whole of Northwest Arkansas are in high growth mode.

PS: They’re not in such a high growth mode that they’re willing to sacrifice their belief systems. They want to be a very tight community still but with faster growth.

They always want their uniqueness and try to avoid becoming the next Austin or San Francisco in any shape or form. Unlike Bentonville, those locations haven’t done the best job of learning from their mistakes.

Bentonville is just trying to become a better version of Bentonville itself. Hence, it’s cool to see an area have this kind of growth mindset, not just for growth’s sake.

You will see a lot of growth in construction happening when you come here. There’s a high influx of people, new trail systems, etc. But they’re not willing to sacrifice the “soul” of NWA for the sake of growth.

The town’s spirit remains despite the influence and number of people that have put money into specific areas to ensure it grows.

To know more about Bentonville, check out my in-depth article giving a tour of Bentonville.

Final Thoughts

Bentonville, like other NWA towns, has been attracting several families in the last few years. Some settle here for retirement, while others secure jobs from the massive opportunities present.

As shared above, beware of the following if you’re considering a move or visit here:

  • The area is a biking community
  • There are several constructions ongoing
  • People from various cultures are around
  • The town is in a high-growth mode


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