Is Northwest Arkansas for You? (Bentonville and Fayetteville, Arkansas)

I know many people might be considering moving to Northwest Arkansas but are unsure if NWA is for them.

Northwest Arkansas is for you if you like a good climate and weather. You can also live a healthier life since you are not forced to spend four to six months of the year indoors. 

If you’re wondering what Northwest Arkansas is like and if it’s a good fit for you, continue reading to find out! 


Northwest Arkansas Offers a Healthy, Happy Lifestyle

The first and main reason that I moved to Northwest Arkansas is that I wanted to be healthier. If you’re concerned about health, you want to live longer or spend more time outdoors, Northwest Arkansas is for you. 

Spend More Time Outdoors

One of the things that drew me to Northwest Arkansas versus other places in America is that you’re outdoors a lot more than anywhere else in the United States. I compared Northwest Arkansas to other popular areas like: 

  • Florida 
  • Texas 
  • California 
  • The Pacific Northwest 
  • Colorado 

In Colorado, you’re stuck inside for a good portion of the year. In the Pacific Northwest, it rains often, and California is unaffordable for most. Texas and Arizona are too hot the majority of the time, and Florida is incredibly humid. So, there are significant parts of the year in those states that you’re stuck inside. 

In Northwest Arkansas, you can be outdoors all year long, and because of this, you will be healthier. There is something for everyone, whether you like: 

  • Riding a bike 
  • Going on trails 
  • Hiking 
  • Running 
  • Fly fishing 

Famous rivers include the: 

  • Buffalo River 
  • White River 
  • Illinois River 

There are also lots of lakes available. 

If running, biking or trails are not your things, there are other activities you can do in Northwest Arkansas because it’s the Natural State, and everything centers around the outdoors. 

Since you’re not trapped indoors for four to six months of the year, you have time to do other outdoor stuff beyond running, biking, and exercising. For example, you can do different hobbies or DIY projects like painting your house, working in the shed, or cutting down trees. 

Homes in NWA are unique! But they can also be weird sometimes Check out these homes in our new blog: Homes in Northwest Arkansas – Part 2 (WEIRD Things)

Socialize Outdoors

Life in Northwest Arkansas also makes for an exciting and varied social life since there are so many things you can do outside, and you’re not limited by weather that’s frigid cold or scorching hot. Northwest Arkansas hits a sweet spot: It doesn’t get too cold in the winter, and it doesn’t get intolerably hot in the summer. 

If you’re hanging out with friends, you can play disc golf, basketball or have a campfire. 

You can also have different outdoor events and make the most of spending time outdoors. 

Often, when you’re in a state like Illinois, you make excuses not to go outdoors — whether it’s the weather, an inconvenience, or any other excuse you can come up with. However, you can’t make those excuses in Arkansas because many people are doing outdoor things. 

If you are interested in buying a home in Northwest Arkansas, you can read my article about homes that are easiest to buy in the area

Also, I have a 3-day itinerary that can help you decide what activities to do if you’re overwhelmed by everything Northwest Arkansas has to offer.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a foodie, a sports person, a sightseer, or want to spend quality time with your kids; I have something for you. Check out the link below to learn more:

Arts, Culture, and Indoor Activities

As much as I love the outdoors (which is why I love Arkansas), I know not everyone shares this passion. Luckily, there’s is more to Arkansas than the great outdoors. We also have so many art, cultural, and music events happening across Northwest Arkansas. 

So maybe you’re really into arts and culture, and you’re wondering if this place is for you. Well, we have the Walton Arts Center, which has all sorts of Broadway plays happening all the time. 

We have TheatreSquared, a major event space. There is also the Fayetteville Public Library, which has a massive auditorium for plays and events. JJ’s Live has different bands that play, and there’s the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. We also have The Momentary and the Walmart AMP (Arkansas Music Pavilion). 

So there are all sorts of different art and culture happening right here in Northwest Arkansas. 

Make New Friends and Build Connections

It’s easy to make friends in Northwest Arkansas, which is another reason the state might be for you. Arkansas is full of transplants, meaning many people have moved here from places like: 

  • Texas 
  • California 
  • Arizona 
  • Pennsylvania 
  • Wisconsin 
  • Chicago 

I should add that people that have moved here for university have gone to college here and then decided not to leave because they realize they’re able to get jobs here. 

You’re going to make all sorts of connections because as much as there’s a lot to do outdoors, there’s also a lot to do indoors. Often, when people come here, they’re looking for new friends as they’ve left family and friends wherever they came from. So you’re going to fit right in if you’re new to the state. 

You’re going to realize quickly that there are so many different groups around Northwest Arkansas, like: 

  • Bitcoin groups 
  • Church groups 
  • Technology groups 
  • Running groups 
  • Biking groups 
  • Knitting groups 

If you have kids and families, there are different groups for them too. 

I can say for sure that no matter what age bracket you fall into, there will be a group for you in NWA. 

Centrally Located

In Northwest Arkansas, you’re almost centered in all of America. This means you can go anywhere. Nearly all places you’d want to go are a twelve-hour distance drive away. It’s very close to the ocean, only taking about a one-day drive to get there. There’s also a major airport in Northwest Arkansas so you can fly anywhere in the country. 

Homes in NWA are unique! But they can also be weird sometimes Check out these homes in our new blog: Homes in Northwest Arkansas – Part 2 (WEIRD Things)

Final Thoughts

Northwest Arkansas offers a healthy, balanced lifestyle with great weather and amazing people. If you’re thinking about moving to Northwest Arkansas or checking it out, download my three-day itinerary linked above. 

Whatever interests you (from art, culture, food, and music to sports and adventure), download my three-day itinerary link because I’m sure you’re bound to find at least one thing that interests you. 

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