Fayetteville: Back to the Future

If you’re already a resident of Fayetteville, Northwest Arkansas, or are considering moving here a few years from now, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we are going to talk about what Fayetteville will look like in the year 2040. 

Fayetteville is going to be a powerhouse. In the next few years, Fayetteville will see massive growth in its school systems, population, and infrastructure. It will also experience an influx of financial investors and new companies, and be recognized as the top place to live in America. 

Eager to know more about these exciting new developments that are bound to take place right here in Fayetteville? Hang on tight, and let’s talk about Fayetteville 2040.


Huge College Growth

The first thing we need to talk about is the fact that Fayetteville (actually the University of Arkansas) is going to grow to over 50,000 people. In fact, this is already happening in 2022.

In recent years, there have been reports that education has been shrinking – fewer people are going to college. Despite that, the University of Arkansas has only increased in popularity and student count. 

And I think part of the reason for the University of Arkansas’s popularity is that there are so many things coming down the pipeline for new pathways and career paths. They are on the cutting edge of things that are happening in the future, which has drawn a lot more people to the area.

We can talk more about the amazingness of living in the area, being in the area, and the cost of living in the area, but on top of all that, the university will be growing quite well in the next decade, to say the least. 

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Fayetteville Will Be the Biggest City

Currently, Fayetteville is the second biggest city in Northwest Arkansas. That will change in the next decade or so. Right now, I think Arkansas sits right around a hundred thousand people on the last census count. 

But the next census count might be a little different, especially when you get to 2040. Fayetteville is going to grow exponentially in the next couple of years.

And the really cool thing is that the infrastructure’s already been in place and is continually being developed. They’ve mapped the whole city out until 2040, but even now we can already see that Fayetteville is growing exponentially. 

And that’s just because there’s so much attention drawn to the university, the medical side, and the startup culture (which we’ll talk about in a bit), among many other things that Fayetteville is drawing people here to. 

It’s such a well-developed, well-thought-out city that people are like, “Okay, it’s definitely going to grow in the next couple of years.”

So many people are leaving major cities and trying to find well-put-together places that they can have fun in, work, play, and do all the things right in their major city versus having to travel an hour or two outside the city just to be able to do all of that.

That’s one thing that Fayetteville is doing really well – and that they’re continuing to do very well. And what they’re going to capitalize on in the future is the fact that it’s going to be the biggest city by 2040. Fayetteville is making sure that the infrastructure is in place and ready for population growth in the next decade or so. 

Also, I have a 3-day itinerary that can help you decide what activities to do if you’re overwhelmed by everything Northwest Arkansas has to offer.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a foodie, a sports person, a sightseer, or want to spend quality time with your kids; I have something for you. Check out the link below to learn more:


Moving to Northwest Arkansas, Bentonville or Fayetteville? Here are a few Tips!

Sam Walton Business School

The third thing that’s going to happen in Fayetteville is Sam Walton Business School, which is one of the top-tier business schools in America. A few years back, they started up this incubator right inside Sam Walton Business School. As a result, they had a lot of really fun and interesting startups. 

Students from the University of Arkansas came here for business, and they went to the incubator to get their startups going. And that pushed them out to the stock market and they IPO-ed their business, which helped the Sam Walton Business School, because of the fact that they had a part-ownership in the company itself. 

There have been quite a few companies that have come through the Sam Walton business school that have done quite well, to say the least. And they attribute that back to the Sam Walton Business School, which also goes back to the fact that that’s why Sam Walton Business School has climbed the rankings quite a bit in the last couple of years. 

Because of just the exorbitant amount of businesses that are coming through here that are IPO-ing and doing financially well through that school itself. 

Acre Trader IPO

Fourthly, Acre Trader, which will become a large company very soon, just IPO-ed on the stock market a couple of years back. This drew a lot of attention to Fayetteville. And if you aren’t familiar with what Acre Trader is, it is essentially a crowdsourcing app developed in the area – they crowdsource actual farmland. 

So let’s say, for instance, you want to be an investor in farmland but you don’t have a huge amount of capital to buy farmland. What they do is allow many different people to invest in farmland. And so they can crowdsource purchasing farmland across, which is nice because then you get some profit-sharing, among other things.

There are a lot of different methods that they do now. And they’ve even obviously grown their business model since 2022. They recently IPO-ed a couple of years back, and they’ve done very well financially. And if you are in any sort of startup scene, one of the things you want to watch out for is investing in farmland.

People always need land. People always need medical services. People always need food. And so if you are in one of those industries, when it comes to the stock market, things are bound to go great for you. 

So Acre Trader capitalized on that and they’ve done financially well, which drew a lot of attention again to Fayetteville, Arkansas. This is probably the reason for the massive population growth, and why we’ve had a great time with the schools in the area. 

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Ranked #1 To Live in America

And last, but certainly not least, is that – and this is one of the prides of Fayetteville, Arkansas – it is officially known that Fayetteville, Arkansas is the number one place to live in America by U.S. rankings. 

In 2022, Fayetteville was ranked number four by U.S. rankings among the best places to live in America, based on housing, salaries, and others.

But over the last ten years, between everything that happened with the university, the different trail systems, the different modes of transportation, the population growth, housing, and all the fun things you can do here, the ranking just went up to number one. 

Final Thoughts 

Great things are happening in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and it’s climbing fast, to say the least.

So if you’re planning to come down here for a visit, I have a three-day itinerary prepared for you, whether you’re into adventure, sports, sightseeing, or food. 

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