Best Start-Ups and New Companies in Northwest Arkansas

When you think of Northwest Arkansas, you probably have visions of the Ozark mountains and the region’s beautiful lakes and rivers. But did you know that Northwest Arkansas is home to some of the country’s top startups? 

Below is a list of the best start-up companies in Northwest Arkansas: 

  1. Freight Hub
  2. Explore Eden 
  3. Loloft
  4. AcreTrader
  5. FemPAQ
  6. Mycelium

This article will go further into finding out what’s so exciting about these new northwestern Arkansas startups. Let’s get started!


1. Freight Hub

As many people know, J.B. Hunt, one of the country’s leading transportation companies, is headquartered in Lowell, in northwestern Arkansas. The area has various other transportation companies, but Freight Hub, a newcomer, has gained much attention lately. 

Anyone who has listened to Freight Hub’s CEO describing their business model will know that they’re reimagining the transportation industry.  

Truck drivers will typically drive for around eight to ten hours before stopping to sleep or rest. Freight Hub does things differently. Instead of allowing the truck to remain stationary at the rest stop while the driver rests, they have another driver stationed at the rest stop who will take over the transportation of the goods.  

Freight Hub has created nodes in the major transport pathways in northwest Arkansas. This means that if a driver is transporting a load from northwest Arkansas to Kansas City, there will be a node along the way allowing another driver to take over. 

This results in greater efficiency and much faster delivery of goods across America, something that others, including J.B. Hunt, will likely copy.   

A lot of attractions in NWA, find out 5 must-see things in Northwest Arkansas in another blog!

2. Explore Eden

Finding accommodation is easy if you use websites like Airbnb or vrbo. But if you want to find a decent camping site, it can be challenging to find good quality reviews and unbiased information online. 

Most campsites have their own websites. However, the photos and information put the campsite in its best light, and the information is subjective. 

Explore Eden hopes to change this by gathering all the campsites on one central platform and in an app shortly. It will allow local landowners and anyone who wants to create a campsite to use their platform for advertising. 

Explore Eden will list each campsite’s facilities, photos, and videos so that campers can find the most suitable one. They’ll also allow campers to leave reviews and post their own pictures and videos.

Northwest Arkansas has some incredible camping sites that many people don’t know about, and it’s exciting to think that Explore Eden can help them become well-known. 

Currently, no other platforms are offering this service, and Explore Eden may revolutionize the outdoor leisure industry. 

Also, I have a 3-day itinerary that can help you decide what activities to do if you’re overwhelmed by everything Northwest Arkansas has to offer.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a foodie, a sports person, a sightseer, or want to spend quality time with your kids; I have something for you. Check out the link below to learn more:

If you want to learn more about outside activities to do in Northwest Arkansas, check out my article, 5 BEST Things To Do Outside in Northwest Arkansas.  

3. Loloft

Many companies rent out shared office space to startups, but Loloft is currently the only company that has created a co-working space for warehousing. 

One of the main obstacles for anyone looking to start an eCommerce store is finding an affordable warehouse to store your goods. It’s an even bigger challenge when you only need a small area in a warehouse because you usually have to rent out the entire space. 

Loloft understands this problem, and they have a vast warehouse that they subdivide and rent out to their clients. Their rates are affordable, and you also have a chance to network with like-minded individuals. 

This is ideal for startup businesses who want to sell their products on large online platforms like Amazon. A lot of manufacturing happens in Northwest Arkansas, so Loloft is likely to become very successful. 

4. AcreTrader

When it comes to Northwest Arkansas startups, AcreTrader needs no introduction because they’ve been around for a few years now. 

AcreTrader owns large tracts of farmland in Northwest Arkansas and for a tiny investment, they allow their clients to have a small percentage share in a farm. If you’re interested in investing in land but don’t have much money, this is the perfect way to do it. 

AcreTrader manages all aspects of farmland and property management, so all their clients need to do is sit back and watch their investments grow. 

AcreTrader is involved in various farming types, including:

  • Corn
  • Soybean
  • Cotton

Better yet, they have just bought their own vineyard and are looking to expand into other farming types. 

Talking about workplaces: here are the Best Places To Work Remotely in Bentonville and Fayetteville

5. FemPAQ

FemPAQ is a Bentonville-based startup that sells feminine emergency packs to women who unexpectedly get their period when out and about. This sometimes happens when the woman is unprepared and isn’t carrying any protection. 

After conducting extensive research, FemPAQ’s founders discovered that no one else was selling feminine emergency packs. Although you can find feminine hygiene products at any pharmacy or grocery store, you don’t always have access to them at school, work, or when traveling. 

FemPAQ has decided to do something about this problem by creating discreet feminine emergency packs that you can buy everywhere you go. Their emergency feminine packs include essential items, such as different feminine hygiene products, some ibuprofen, and a piece of dark chocolate. 

FemPAQ aims to make its feminine emergency packs available in busy places, such as: 

  • Schools
  • Colleges
  • Military barracks
  • Airports
  • Sports stadia
  • Shopping malls

6. Mycelium

Mycelium is a blockchain technology company offering an innovative device that you connect to your home’s WiFi network. The device amplifies your WiFi signal so that anyone with an IoT (Internet of Things Device) device like a drone, scooter, or car, can connect it to your WiFi. 

Wondering why you’d allow strangers to use the WiFi service you pay for and open yourself up to a potential privacy breach? 

Well, you can get paid for allowing IoT devices to connect to your amplified WiFi network and earn quite a bit of money each month. When you use Mycelium’s WiFi broadcasting service, you’re helping the world become a better place because there are so many IoT devices needing a WiFi connection, and the need will become more significant as time progresses.

Regarding security concerns, the Mycelium device is completely separate from your WiFi network. It’s completely secure and won’t allow others to connect their cell phones or laptops to your WiFi network.

Mycelium is currently based in Northwest Arkansas, but they’re expanding rapidly.  


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