Airship Coffee on 5th Street – Bentonville, Arkansas

As I’ve discussed in my previous article, Airship Coffee is one of the best coffee shops in Northwest Arkansas. They are located on 5th Street in Bentonville, but you can also find them in other areas.

Airship Coffee has a relatively short menu.  Each beverage, mostly of Central American roots, is unique and sweet. You can purchase the beans to prepare at home, but baked goods such as tacos and scones are also available in the restaurant.

There aren’t many better locations for a fantastic coffee in Bentonville, so continue reading this article to learn all the essential information about this shop.


When is the Best Time To Go To Airship Coffee?

Airship Coffee opens by 7 am, allowing most Bentonville folks to grab a drink before work hours. Although they don’t close until 7 pm, visiting the shop at specific periods is not advisable.

The best time to go to Airship Coffee during weekdays is just after they open, from 7 am-8 am. It becomes busier as the hours go by, getting most crowded from 11 am to 1 pm. Customers hardly visit on Saturdays and Sundays.

When people visit, they often spend 15 minutes to an hour after finishing their coffee because this branch is a fabulous place to hang out for many reasons.

The 5th Street shop has a spacious garage that’s always open with plants and other fun stuff. Another cool thing about this location is the proximity to other exciting places. It’s right behind The Momentary and close to the 8th street market, so visitors enjoy easy access.

Moreover, they roast all the beans and backs here, allowing one to enjoy the aroma & deliciousness and appreciate their fantastic coffee varieties more.

If you live far from 5th Street, check at their other NWA locations:

Airship Coffee Menu

When customers stop at Airship Coffee within their working hours (7 am – 7 pm), the server hands them a menu with the following roasted coffee options:

Airship Coffee250 g (8.8 oz)2 kilos (4.4 lbs)
Gustavo Monge – Catuai Natural15.0075.00
Las Palomas – Geisha Washed19.00114.00
Diego Abarca – Typica Honey15.0075.00
Buffalo Blend12.0062.00
Lima Norte11.0067.00
Bourbon Semi Wash12.0067.00
Black Apple Espresso13.0072.00
Black Bear Blend12.0062.00
Sugar Cane Decaf12.0067.00

Airship Coffee Menu

Airship Coffee Bags For Sale

Airship has become a go-to location for excellent coffee in Bentonville. Despite having four branches in strategic areas, they can still get too crowded.

Fortunately, you can skip the long queues at their branches by brewing yours at home.

The coffee shop offers a subscription service to deliver the beans to residents’ doorsteps based on a schedule. However, some bean bags are available for a one-time purchase.

Over ten varieties are available on their website. Let’s take a quick look a the most popular ones:

Peru – Lima Norte

Also, I have a 3-day itinerary that can help you decide what activities to do if you’re overwhelmed by everything Northwest Arkansas has to offer.

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Lima Norte is one of Airship Coffee’s most delicious varieties. It’s reminiscent of macadamia nut, cocoa, and a delicious golden apple.

True to its name, this variety is harvested by a Peruvian coffee-growing community in Cajamarca. They’ve received numerous state and national accolades, which isn’t surprising given the quality of their beverages.

Many customers at Airship Coffee enjoy Lima Norte with brisket burritos. So if you can get your hands on these, you’ll want to pair them with the Lima Norte for a more exciting experience.

Sumatra – Kerinci

Kerinci is a coffee with creamy cocoa, grapefruit, and plum notes. The company goes as far as Indonesia to source for the harvest, and it’s hard to say that their efforts aren’t justified by the fantastic outcome.

Fortunately, you don’t have to go as far to get these beans. You can order them from Airship coffee and brew a fantastic filter coffee or espresso.

Unlike washed coffee, Kerinci’s initial coffee cherries are left to dry without washing after de-pulping. This ensures a sweet, fruity beverage if brewed correctly.

Colombia Strawberry Wine

Straight from the South American nation, Colombian Strawberry Wine seeds produce tasty coffees. Unlike most others that Airship markets, this variety only comes in 250g (8.8oz) bags.

It’s also one of the store’s most expensive coffee seeds. However, you are guaranteed an excellent drink with hints of white tea, strawberry, and floral blends.

Here’s how to brew it Airship Coffee-style:

  1. Grind the beans to a texture closer to fine sand.
  2. Use a Kalita wave with 25g (0.89oz) of ground coffee and 400g (12oz) of water.
  3. Wait for three minutes
  4. Serve and enjoy.

Costa Rica Robles

I also recommend starting your day with Costa Rica Robles, a product of two pioneering brothers’ hard work from Tarrazu. They began their venture in the early 2000s and have left a lasting impression on every one of their patrons.

Airship Coffee sells processed beans in 250g (8.8oz) and 2kg (71kg) bags. These should last for 1.5 months and 12 months, respectively.

The coffee is highly delicious, with unique strawberry, bourbon, and raspberry notes that pair well with cookies or chips.

Black Bear Blend

Black Bear Blend is the shop’s only variety classified by color. It is a dark coffee with flavors reminiscent of dark chocolate, roasted walnuts, and smoked plums.

The blend contains wet-hulled coffee from Indonesia and El Sallvadorian semi-washed coffee. It’s available for a one-time purchase, so subscribing to Airship Coffee’s plans isn’t an option.

And that pretty much wraps up this quick overview of Airship Coffee and what it has to offer. If you want to keep exploring coffee shops in NWA, I’d recommend checking out the Joy House coffee shop next. It’s located in Cave Springs and you can learn all about it by following the link. [Shorts – Joy House Coffee Shop in Cave Springs (Northwest Arkansas)]


Airship Coffee on 5th Street is a premier coffee shop I’d recommend to any coffee lover in Bentonville.

You can enjoy grab-and-go coffee or hang out a little longer at their open-shaded garage. You’ll enjoy the aroma of the roasting beans as you carefully select your preferred coffee from the menu above.

Be sure to check out other exciting locations like The Momentary and 8th Street Market close by.


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