5 MORE Things People Don’t Know About Northwest Arkansas

When it comes to Northwest Arkansas, there are always things to see and do. There’s something for everyone here, so here are 5 more things you probably didn’t know about this beautiful place.

Northwest Arkansas is truly a place where nature and urban mix. That’s why people here don’t like cutting down trees. Apart from that, Northwest Arkansas has a historically low unemployment level, with countless job openings because of rapid development in all industries. 

Today, I’ll be talking about five additional things that people just don’t know about Northwest Arkansas. Today’s list will definitely show you the true nature of locals here.


1. We Care About the Outdoors

The first thing I want to talk about on this list is something people usually don’t talk about or don’t know, and it’s the fact that Northwest Arkansas is so clean. The reason it’s so clean is that people really do care about the outdoors here.

One of the things you’ll quickly realize going through all the different cities around the area is that everything’s super clean. The fact that there’s such an outdoor community between biking, hiking, fishing, and swimming shows the community’s focus on keeping the outdoors very clean.

Now, I’m not talking about littering laws. As you know, littering laws don’t stop people from littering all that much. It’s the fact that we are educated, and we know that the outdoors is such a sacred space around here. So, we don’t litter because we use the outdoors all the time.

We’re outdoors and on the trails all the time. There are a lot of different initiatives around the area, including the Buffalo River and different rivers around the national and even some of the state forests.

We invest so much money into the outdoor sections around here. So, you can go to any of the different parks and notice how clean they are. We have different lodges and places to camp around here. We want to make sure that everything’s super clean because we really care about and appreciate nature here in Northwest Arkansas. 

Looking for opportunities? Most Needed Jobs in Northwest Arkansas

2. We Don’t Cut Down Trees

Another thing that people don’t talk about in Northwest Arkansas is the fact that we really don’t cut trees down around here.

Now, if you’re from the Illinois and Chicago-land area, for instance, one of the first things they do, if there’s a new subdivision, is just to level everything. Everything’s gone, just like that. There are no trees anywhere – it’s a barren wasteland. 

The one thing about Northwest Arkansas is they do take out some trees when it comes to making a new subdivision, but you quickly realize there are usually farm fields behind there with a lot of tree lines, or there’s a forest

A lot of times, they’ll build subdivisions along the natural world, so you get some kind of oasis when you’re in and around Northwest Arkansas. I’m not saying there are massive trees everywhere in these new downtown sections in cities like Bentonville or Fayetteville, but there’s going to be a lot of trees no matter where you are in Northwest Arkansas. 

We definitely like to be in nature as much as possible. And because we respect the outdoors, there are trees that are hundreds of years old here that have been around forever. 

I even have willow trees in my backyard, and I love them because they are just so massive and create so much shade in the area. 

Long story short, I love trees, obviously, and so does Northwest Arkansas!

Visiting Fayetteville? here’s Official TOUR of Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Also, I have a 3-day itinerary that can help you decide what activities to do if you’re overwhelmed by everything Northwest Arkansas has to offer.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a foodie, a sports person, a sightseer, or want to spend quality time with your kids; I have something for you. Check out the link below to learn more:


3. 15% Budget for Outdoors

The third thing on our list of the things you might not know about Northwest Arkansas is specifically about Fayetteville itself, and it’s that 15% of a commercial space budget has to be dedicated to any outdoor space.

Let’s say there’s a new business coming into town, so 15% of the entire budget of that business has to go to improving an outdoor space. Any sort of outdoor improvement is fine, we just want to make sure everything stays beautiful.

So, you’ll notice around Fayetteville, there are a lot of businesses that have amazing outdoor spaces because they’re required to make a great outdoor area for their patrons, customers, and people in the city. Therefore, you’ll be going through Fayetteville to see there’s so much to do outside.

This also goes back to the first point that we really do care about the outdoors here in Northwest Arkansas and specifically in Fayetteville.

We want trees and grass. We want to be able to use the outdoor spaces, and we also like bands and music. If you like all of these, too, check out my article about a perfect weekend in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Got kids? here are the Best Things To Do With Kids In Fayetteville, Arkansas

4. This Is a Subaru and Jeep City 

This one’s kind of unique, and this is maybe specific to me, but when I first moved here, when I was driving around, I would always notice and say, “Oh, Subaru, Subaru, Subaru.”

This is a Subaru and Jeep city. You cannot go a few yards without seeing more Subarus and more Jeeps. That’s because there’s a huge Subaru dealership here in Northwest Arkansas, first of all. 

Secondly, it’s because we’re very much into biking, hiking, and kayaking – very outdoor-centered. Therefore, you need those types of vehicles for the outdoor scene. So, you won’t get very far down the road before you start seeing a Jeep, a Subaru, or even Toyota Forerunners – anything that’s geared towards the outdoors.

If you’re a fan of the outdoors as we are here in Northwest Arkansas and want to move here, read my articles about the best places for biking, hiking, or running, part 1 and part 2.

5. Historically Low Unemployment

And last but certainly not least is the fact that we have historically low unemployment here in Northwest Arkansas and actually in Arkansas in general.

The fact is we still need thousands and thousands of jobs filled in Northwest Arkansas. This goes back to a video I just produced a little while ago. Here’s a link if you want to know more:

5 New Businesses in Northwest Arkansas you need to check out!

If you’re looking to move to Northwest Arkansas and you’re concerned about finding a job – don’t be. There are thousands of jobs needing to be filled between tech, any sort of engineering, or trade. There are jobs that need to be filled in every industry here in Northwest Arkansas. 

I have a lot of articles (and videos) on jobs in Northwest Arkansas – wonder why? The fact is we have historically low unemployment here in Northwest Arkansas, and we still need thousands of people, so this is just an opportunity for you if you’re looking for a change of pace or you want to move your family to a different environment. 


Here we are; those were 5 more things you probably don’t know about Northwest Arkansas. This was also a warm invitation if you’re looking to move to an area that appreciates nature, has a lot of outdoor activity (and likes Subarus and Jeeps). Also, if you’re worried about your job, either where you live or when you move to Northwest Arkansas, there are thousands of jobs waiting for you here.

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